Arm Lift

What is an Arm Lift?

arm lift thumbnail syracuse plastic surgeryBrachioplasty, or arm lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the tone and appearance of the upper arm. Surgeons remove excess skin and loose fat that is resistant to other diet and weight loss attempts. This type of procedure may be performed as liposuction alone or in conjunction with other cosmetic techniques in order to achieve the desired results.

Arm Lift Before & After

  • Before-Arm Lift
    After-Arm Lift
    Before Arm Lift After
  • Before-Arm Lift
    After-Arm Lift
    Before Arm Lift After
  • Before-Arm Lift
    After-Arm Lift
    Before Arm Lift After

Arm Lift Before & After

Arm Lift Syracuse NY

Schedule a Consultation

If you are looking for an arm lift, contact Syracuse Plastic Surgery. Call our Syracuse, NY office at (315) 299-5313 to schedule a consultation with Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta.


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