
What is a Facelift?

No matter how hard we try to fight it with various creams and over-the-counter treatments, the skin on the face loses its natural elasticity as it ages. As years of sun exposure and gravity continue to add up, the face betrays our years with sagging cheeks and jowls, deep wrinkles around the nose and mouth, and sagging neck skin. All of these developments can be reversed with a simple facelift, technically known as rhytidectomy. Facelift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available today.

Facelift Before & After

  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After
  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After
  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After
  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After
  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After
  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After
  • Before-Facelift
    Before Facelift After


facelift surgery syracuse nyWhen considering facelift surgery it is important to take a number of factors into consideration. First and foremost, successful cosmetic surgery depends on a positive and open relationship between the surgeon and the patient. Dr. DeRoberts, Dr. Urbinelli, Dr. Ruter or Dr. Armenta feels it is of utmost importance to find a physician that is open to addressing and answering your questions. Dr. Dean DeRoberts, Dr. Urbinelli, Dr. Ruter or Dr. Armenta will tailor the procedure to your specific needs and ensure you are comfortable with the details of the procedure and recovery.

Who is a good candidate?

Facelift surgery (or rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgery designed to give you the most life out of your years. The best candidates for this procedure are those with loose skin, heavy wrinkles, deep lines, and jaw or chin jowls. Facelift surgery is often complemented by eyelid surgery, forehead lifts, and/or skin resurfacing.

Syracuse Facelift: Making the Decision

If you are considering facelift surgery in Syracuse, NY, the first step is to consult with Dr. Dean DeRoberts, Dr. Urbinelli, Dr. Ruter or Dr. Armenta. He will evaluate whether you are a good candidate for this type of cosmetic procedure. He will also outline the process, risks and cost. This is the time to ensure your expectations, questions, and concerns are heard and addressed. Dr. DeRoberts, Dr. Urbinelli, Dr. Ruter or Dr. Armenta will ensure that you feel comfortable discussing your concerns and is someone you can trust. He is board-certified in this procedure by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the only accredited board for Plastic Surgery.

Facelift in Syracuse NY: Understanding Surgery

There are a variety of things that Dr. DeRoberts, Dr. Urbinelli, Dr. Ruter or Dr. Armenta will ask you to do to prepare for surgery. Certain medications (such as NSAIDs) that increase the risk of bleeding will have to be stopped. All facelift surgery candidates must quit smoking at least a month before and a month after the procedure. Smoking reduces blood circulation and can cause the skin on your face to heal poorly without proper blood flow.

There are a few varieties of facelift surgeries: mini-, lower-, and standard. Most involve the same basic process: anesthesia, incision, lifting of the soft tissues, and removal of skin. Incisions are usually placed in front of and behind the ear and may extend into the scalp. The actual manipulation of the skin tissues involves separating skin from muscle, reshaping underlying fat and tissue to give a more youthful contour, removal of some skin, and re-draping with staples or sutures.

Facelift Before & After

Facelift Before & After

View more before & after photos.

What to Expect After Surgery

Recovery from facelift surgery usually involves a minimal amount of pain, swelling, and/or bruising. All of these side effects should dwindle and disappear within a few days to a week or two. Dr. DeRoberts, Dr. Urbinelli, Dr. Ruter and Dr. Armenta advises avoidance of certain activities and the sun while your incisions heal. One of the most common causes of delayed or inadequate wound healing occurs in people that smoke cigarettes. Smoking reduces blood flow to the face and limits the amount of oxygen required by the wound to properly close and heal.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to learn more about Facelift surgery, call (315) 299-5313 to schedule a consultation with Syracuse Plastic Surgeon.


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