What is Breast Augmentation?

breast augmentation thumbnail syracuse plastic surgeryBreast augmentation, or breast enlargement, is a cosmetic procedure we offer at Syracuse Plastic Surgery that is designed to enhance existing breast tissue or replace any that has been removed due to trauma or cancer. Whether you want to increase a cup size or regain your familiar figure after loss Syracuse Plastic Surgery is here to help.

Breast Augmentation Before & After

  • Before-Breast Augmentation
    After-Breast Augmentation
    Before Breast Augmentation After
  • Before-Breast Augmentation
    After-Breast Augmentation
    Before Breast Augmentation After
  • Before-Breast Augmentation
    After-Breast Augmentation
    Before Breast Augmentation After
  • Before-Breast Augmentation
    After-Breast Augmentation
    Before Breast Augmentation After
  • Before-Breast Augmentation
    After-Breast Augmentation
    Before Breast Augmentation After

Breast Augmentation Cost

The cost of a standard, silicone breast augmentation at Syracuse Plastic Surgery is $7450.00

Breast Augmentation Candidates

There are several reasons a woman may want a breast augmentation. They may simply want larger breasts or to fix asymmetrical breast sizes. Additionally, a candidate may want to replace or restore lost volume. Loss of breast volume can occur as a result of pregnancy, significant weight loss or a trauma. Candidates must have fully developed breasts, lead a healthy lifestyle, and have realistic surgical expectations.

Types Of Breast Implants

There are two types of popular breast implants which include saline and silicone. At one point, saline implants were more popular due to strict restrictions on silicone, but many patients complain that they look and feel less natural. In addition to feeling more like a natural breast, silicone implants come in a variety of sizes, textures, and with a lifetime replacement guarantee from the manufacturer. Syracuse Plastic Surgery uses mainly Sientra implants but also uses Mentor implants and during your consultation Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta will go over all of your options and decide what is best for your goals.

The Breast Augmentation Process

Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia and typically lasts less than 1 hour. First, Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta will make incisions to fit the implants. These incisions are placed in the crease under the breast usually, but can also be made in the armpit or around the areola in order to minimize the scar visibility. Then, he will lift the breast to create a pocket for the implant. The implants can be placed underneath each breast or partially under the chest wall muscle. Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta places most implants below the muscle layer as it provides the largest amount of coverage and comes with the least complications.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Once the surgery is complete, Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta will stitch the incisions with absorbable sutures and place a bra on. Patients will feel tired and sore but most return to work in less than a week. Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta has patients return for stitches removal about a week to 10 days later. Scars will fade after a few months.

Before & After Breast Enlargement Surgery

To View Additional Before and After Photos Click Here.

Schedule a Consultation

If you believe you are a candidate for a breast augmentation and want to learn more call Casia today to schedule an appointment with Dr. DeRoberts or Dr. Armenta. (315) 930-4354 or email her at SurgicalConsults@SyracusePlasticSurgery.com

Breast Augmentation Questions

Here are 7 great questions ask before considering breast augmentation!

1. Is your surgeon Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?

The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the ONLY board to certify plastic surgeons in the United States. To become a member, a surgeon must complete at least 5 years of surgery training with the last 2 years dedicated to plastic surgery at an accredited training program. If your surgeon says they are ‘board certified’ by any other board (Cosmetic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, etc.) then they are not a properly trained plastic surgeon.

2. How many breast augmentations does the surgeon perform yearly?

Different plastic surgeons, even in the same city, can perform significantly different numbers of breast augmentations in a year. This is because the field of plastic surgery is quite broad. Some plastic surgeons do mostly cosmetic procedures (like breast augmentations) while others may do mostly reconstructive surgery or wound care. A plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery should average of at least 50 breast augmentations per year.

3. Are there plenty of before and after pictures of the surgeons work to see?

Before and after photographs of the surgeon’s own work are crucial for many reasons. Different surgeons will have different techniques to perform a breast augmentation. Because of this, the end results can vary significantly between surgeons even if the same implant is used. By seeing actual pictures of the surgeon’s results using different implants on different women will be able to guide your decision as to what size and look is best for you.

4. What type of implants does the surgeon use and why?

Most plastic surgeons now use silicone gel implants. Silicone gel breast implants are generally softer, ripple less, wrinkle less, look more natural, feel more natural, and most importantly look and feel more natural over time as compared to the saline implants. The rupture (or deflation) rates for silicone gel implants are significantly lower than saline implants as well. Additionally, silicone gel implants have a lifetime warranty. Specifically, the two companies that make their implants in the United States, Mentor and Sientra, offer lifetime replacement of both of your ruptured implants and for the first 10 or 20 years after surgery will also cover your surgery costs.

5. What are the total costs of surgery?

Other than the differences in types of implants, breast augmentation is a fairly standard surgery and doesn’t change much from patient to patient. You can expect the total cost of the procedure to be about $7450.00 which should cover your surgeon fees, OR fees, anesthesia fees, implants, and all post-operative visits. Make sure that all the costs are explained to you in writing prior to surgery so that no unexpected charges arise.

6. What is the average recovery time for most patients?

Most patients will have some pain from breast augmentation surgery, usually in the moderate range, and is well controlled with prescription medication for the first 1-3 days following the surgery. After 3 days most patients no longer need prescription medicine but may take Tylenol occasionally for a couple of more days. Most women are able to return to work after 5-7 days. If your job requires heavy lifting or repetitive arm/shoulder movement, you may have to wait longer to resume full duty. It is recommended that no lifting, reaching, or pulling over 5 pounds is done during the first week after surgery. Most women can resume cardio exercises by three weeks and full activities after one month.

7. How do you determine what size implant is right for you?

This is one of the most important decisions during a breast augmentation. During the consultation, your plastic surgeon will measure your chest width to identify what sizes of breast implants will fit your body. The amount of projection from an augmentation can be adjusted based upon the patient’s personal desires. Based on the diameter of your chest and the amount of projection desired, you will given a final volume. As a general rule, most implants will fall in the 300 – 500 cc range but can be smaller or larger based on individual patient’s body size and cup size desired. By working with your surgeon and their clinical team, you can set obtainable and healthy expectations together.


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