As we age, signs of facial aging are inevitable. The delicate facial skin begins to lose its elasticity, stretching and drooping. The eyes are particularly vulnerable to these signs of aging. As wrinkles and folds appear, the skin may droop over the eyes. At the same time, bags often form under the eyes. A blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery option that remedies these problems and brings a vibrant new appearance to the eye area. Learn the facts about eyelid surgery here.
Who is an ideal candidate for this type of procedure?
Both men and women can benefit from blepharoplasties. The ideal candidate should be healthy, have healthy facial muscles and tissue, and have no serious medical conditions or illnesses that could impact their ability to heal. Also, patients should have a generally positive outlook and a realistic desired outcome. Smoking can make healing more difficult, so patients who smoke are usually encouraged to quit before the procedure.
What specific issues does it address?
The procedure will be customized so as to offer the best results. It can address a number of common issues, including sagging skin that creates folds on top of the eye, puffiness of the upper eyelids, wrinkles and saggy skin under the eyes, bags under the eyes, and droopiness in the eye area.
Does it work in all cases of eye wrinkles and bags?
This procedure is highly effective but is not for everyone. A physical exam must be completed to determine what is causing the drooping lid or other issue to ensure it can be remedied with eyelid surgery.
What is recovery like?
Recovery is different in every case, but most patients can return to their normal routine within a week to 10 days. Following the procedure, the eye area will likely be swollen and sensitive. Cold compresses and medication are both used to combat discomfort.
For more information or to schedule your consultation, call DeRoberts Plastic Surgery today at (315) 299-5313.